Hello Energy Friends,

Let me introduce myself.

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The Auric Field – What is it?

June 03, 20242 min read

The Auric Field – What is it?

Hello Energy Friends,

One of the basic principles that I work from is that we all carry an Auric


Anything that has “energy” has an Auric Field. Humans, plants, our

pets/animals, trees, even our loved ones who have passed.

I can bring those fields forward in a way that we can actually see those

energies through a machine that I nicknamed the Aura Machine, but I

digress, let’s get back to the main topic, what is an Auric Field.

In basic terms, our Auric Field is the energy that lives inside of us.

This is the energy that we can feel from others. Have you every felt that

you could “feel” someone’s sadness, “know” that something wasn’t correct

in the energy of a room, or just felt “something” about what is around you?

This is you being effected by the Auric Field.

Aura Scan Auric Feild Energy Reading

This energy starts with the sun, its light, and the colour values of the

rainbow: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet.

Colour and light are inseparable. Each colour of the light spectrum had a

different wavelength and vibrational frequency, affecting us in different

ways. Red has the longest wavelength and slowest vibrational frequency,

which we recognize as warm and stimulating, and Violet has the shortest

wavelength and fastest frequency, which we recognize as cool and


We receive light and colour information mostly through our eyes. Science

has proven that certain colours do certain things in our bodies. We need

this light and the colour frequencies it holds within those colours of the

rainbow. We need them to nourish ourselves, mentally, physically,

emotionally, and spiritually. Did you know that light and its energy can also

enter us through our skin? There are several more ways to absorb these

frequencies and I will delve more deeply into that in upcoming posts.

Back to the Auric Field. The Auric Field, in general terms, is described as

our “Chakras” or “Energy Wheels”. I personally prefer the term Energy


So, we are a combination of light frequencies of red, orange, yellow, green,

blue, indigo, and violet. All these energies live and work within us, these

frequencies determine our energy level of the day, week, month, year.

As we go through our daily lives, we use these frequencies, we deplete

them, we add to them, we may have too much of one frequency and not

enough of the other. All of this impacts our physical, mental, emotional, and

spiritual components of ourselves.

With the knowledge and expertise that I have, we can enhance what

frequencies are optimal in our Auric Field, identify the deficient energies,

promote their growth and in turn, change the Auric Field for what is in your

best interests and lifestyle.

Life begins and ends with Light. That Light comes from the Sun, let’s

harness the Sun, and shine brightly for all to see.

Your Aura Friend, Sheila

Book An Aura Scan Today!

More to come…..

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Sheila Raad

My name is Sheila Raadschelders, and I am 56 years old. My journey with Aura Energy, Chakras, Mediumship was always part of my life, but when I was in my early 40’s, I embraced this field and made it my mission in life to experience it, see the changes and bring that knowledge to everyone within my reach.

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The 7 main Chakras/Energy Wheels that make up our Auric Field –

Scientifically Speaking

Hello Energy Friends,

There are 7 main Chakras/Energy Wheels that make up our Auric Field.


The Auric Field – What is it?

Hello Energy Friends,

One of the basic principles that I work from is that we all carry an Auric

Field. Anything that has “energy” has an Auric Field. Humans, plants, our

pets/animals, trees, even our loved ones who have passed.